package Test::Harness::Util; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '0.01'; use File::Spec; use Exporter; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK ); @ISA = qw( Exporter ); @EXPORT = (); @EXPORT_OK = qw( all_in shuffle blibdirs ); =head1 NAME Test::Harness::Util - Utility functions for Test::Harness::* =head1 SYNOPSIS Utility functions for Test::Harness::* =head1 PUBLIC FUNCTIONS The following are all available to be imported to your module. No symbols are exported by default. =head2 all_in( {parm => value, parm => value} ) Finds all the F<*.t> in a directory. Knows to skip F<.svn> and F directories. Valid parms are: =over =item start Starting point for the search. Defaults to ".". =item recurse Flag to say whether it should recurse. Default to true. =back =cut sub all_in { my $parms = shift; my %parms = ( start => ".", recurse => 1, %$parms, ); my @hits = (); my $start = $parms{start}; local *DH; if ( opendir( DH, $start ) ) { my @files = sort readdir DH; closedir DH; for my $file ( @files ) { next if $file eq File::Spec->updir || $file eq File::Spec->curdir; next if $file eq ".svn"; next if $file eq "CVS"; my $currfile = File::Spec->catfile( $start, $file ); if ( -d $currfile ) { push( @hits, all_in( { %parms, start => $currfile } ) ) if $parms{recurse}; } else { push( @hits, $currfile ) if $currfile =~ /\.t$/; } } } else { warn "$start: $!\n"; } return @hits; } =head1 shuffle( @list ) Returns a shuffled copy of I<@list>. =cut sub shuffle { # Fisher-Yates shuffle my $i = @_; while ($i) { my $j = rand $i--; @_[$i, $j] = @_[$j, $i]; } } =head2 blibdir() Finds all the blib directories. Stolen directly from =cut sub blibdirs { my $dir = File::Spec->curdir; if ($^O eq 'VMS') { ($dir = VMS::Filespec::unixify($dir)) =~ s-/\z--; } my $archdir = "arch"; if ( $^O eq "MacOS" ) { # Double up the MP::A so that it's not used only once. $archdir = $MacPerl::Architecture = $MacPerl::Architecture; } my $i = 5; while ($i--) { my $blib = File::Spec->catdir( $dir, "blib" ); my $blib_lib = File::Spec->catdir( $blib, "lib" ); my $blib_arch = File::Spec->catdir( $blib, $archdir ); if ( -d $blib && -d $blib_arch && -d $blib_lib ) { return ($blib_arch,$blib_lib); } $dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir, File::Spec->updir); } warn "$0: Cannot find blib\n"; return; } 1;