📰 Title: | Aleph One engine - [game 2: Durandal (Marathon 2)] | 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: | Game |
🗃️ Genre: | Adventure & Action | 🚦 Status: | 08. Active & Not working (no status) |
🏷️ Category: | Adventure & Action ➤ FPS ➤ Fantasy & Sci-fi ➤ Aleph One | 🌍️ Browser version: | |
🔖 Tags: | Action-aventure; Adventure; Action; FPS; Aliens; Sci-fi; Aleph One engine; Retro; 1990s; Story Rich; Atmospheric; PvE; Co-op; Deathmatch; Keyboard; Mouse; Controller | 📦️ Package Name: | alephone-marathon2 |
🐣️ Approx. start: | 1995-11-24 | 📦️ Arch package: | ![]() |
🐓️ Latest: | 2022-01-22 | 📦️ RPM package: | ![]() |
📍️ Version: | Latest: Hi-Res Plugins / Dev: 0c5dcb9 | 📦️ Deb package: | |
🏛️ License type: | 🎁 Free of charge | 📦️ Flatpak package: | |
🏛️ License: | Code: GPL-3 / Artwork: Free & No commercial use | 📦️ AppImage package: | |
🏝️ Perspective: | First person | 📦️ Snap package: | |
👁️ Visual: | 3D | ⚙️ Generic binary: | ![]() |
⏱️ Pacing: | Real Time | 📄️ Source: | ![]() |
👫️ Played: | Single & Multi | 📱️ PDA support: | |
🎖️ This record: | ![]() |
🕳️ Not used: | |
🎀️ Game design: | ![]() |
👫️ Contrib.: | goupildb & Louis |
🎰️ ID: | 6901 | 🐛️ Created: | 2010-08-20 |
🐜️ Updated: | 2023-01-28 |
[fr]: | Marathon est une trilogie gratuite, multi-plateforme, solo/multi mixant FPS et aventure sur un thème de science fiction. Après avoir été commercialisée sur Macintosh par Bungie Software dans les années 1990, elle a été rendue gratuite en 2005, et son moteur libéré (2000), puis amélioré par la communauté. Pour ce 2nd opus (1995), nommé Durandal (M2, Marathon 2), Bungie avait amélioré son moteur (écran et cartes plus grands, liquides, ...). 17 ans après les évènements du 1er opus, Durandal (l'une des 3 IA du vaisseau Marathon) poursuit le combat contre l'envahisseur Pfhor. Elle sort l'officier de sécurité (le joueur) de sa stase artificielle et l'envoi sur Lh'owon - la planète des S'pht (précédemment asservis par les Pfhor), pour trouver un moyen de lutter contre les Pfhor... | [en]: | Marathon is a free, multi-platform, SP/MP trilogy mixing FPS and adventure on a science fiction theme. After being released on Macintosh by Bungie Software in the 1990s, it was made free in 2005, and its engine freed (2000), then improved by the community. For this 2nd opus (1995), named Durandal (M2, Marathon 2), Bungie had improved its engine (bigger screen and maps, liquid, ...). 17 years after the events of the 1st opus, Durandal (one of the 3 AI of the Marathon ship) continues the fight against the Pfhor invader. She takes the security officer (the player) out of his artificial stasis and sends him to Lh'owon - the planet of the S'pht (previously enslaved by the Pfhor), to find a way to fight against the Pfhor... |
💡 Lights on: | ![]() |
🦺️ Work in progress: | |
🤔️ Why ?: | 🕸️ Repaired links | 💥️ New version published (to be updated): | |
🎨️ Improvement of this entry: | 🚧️ Some work remains to be done: |
🏝️ Trailer: (200707),
🏝️ Fan-made trailer: (200809),
🕵️ Reviews: (201908), (201912),
🕹️ Gameplay (MP): (201309),
🕹️ Gameplay (SP): (201604), (201401), (201401),
🐧 Linux plays: Open Source Games (201910),
🏡️ Website & videos
[Homepage 1 2] [Dev site] [Features/About] [Screenshots] [Videos fmt(200809) t(200707) ts(202xxx) gd(202xxx) gu(202xxx) id(202xxx) r(201908) r(201912) lp(201910) ht(202xxx) mp(201309) g(o)(202104) g(201604) g(201401) g(201401) g(201807) g[fr](202xxx) g[de](202xxx) g[ru](202xxx) g[pl](202xxx) g[cz](202xxx) g[sp](202xxx) g[pt](202xxx) g[it](202xxx) g[tr](202xxx)] [WIKI] [FAQ]
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• Game (Durandal): [RSS] [Changelog 1 2 3]
💰 Commercial: (empty)
🍩️ Resources
• (empty):
🛠️ Technical informations
[Open Hub] [PCGamingWiki] [MobyGames] [Marathon Spoiler Guide (Durandal)] [Marathon's Story]
🐘 Social
(Durandal) Devs (Bungie Software [fr] [en]): [Site 1 2] [Chat] [mastodon] [twitter] [Facebook] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [twitch] [PressKit] [Interview 1(Story) (201607) 2(Alex Seropian & Jason Jones) (1995) 2(Jason Jones) (201705) 2(Alex Seropian) (201812)]
(Aleph One engine) Devs (Aleph One Team 1 2 [fr] [en]): [Site 1 2] [Chat] [mastodon] [twitter] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [Interview 1(202xxx) 2(202xxx)]
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[Wikipedia (Durandal) [fr] [en] [de]]
[Wikipedia (Marathon Trilogy) [fr] [en] [de]]
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🐘 Social Networking Update (on Mastodon)
🕹️ Title: Durandal (Marathon 2)
🦊️ What's: The 2nd episode of a free trilogy mixing FPS & sci-fi adventure
🏡️ https://alephone.lhowon.org/games/marathon2.html
🐣️ https://github.com/Aleph-One-Marathon/data-marathon-2
🔖 #LinuxGaming #Adventure #FPS #SciFi #Free #Libre #Bin #Arch #RPM
📖 Our entry: http://www.lebottindesjeuxlinux.tuxfamily.org/en/online/lights-on/
🥁️ Update: Hi-Res Plugins
⚗️ New content 🏞️
📌️ Changes: https://github.com/Aleph-One-Marathon/data-marathon-2/releases
🐘 From: https://mastodon.social/@gamingonlinux/108233147659140612
🏝️(fmt) https://watch.thekitty.zone/GAmKKP-XNbg
🦝️ https://watch.thekitty.zone/qMY9lX-ib0w
💥️🦝️ https://watch.thekitty.zone/ay06PFbKFxc
🕹️ https://watch.thekitty.zone/ec9z7m-kzf4
Le 2nd épisode d'une trilogie mixant FPS et aventure de science-fiction, par le studio Bungie Software, repris (conversion des données) et amélioré (support du matériel moderne) par l'Aleph One Team.
Il utilise le moteur Aleph One.
Marathon est une trilogie gratuite, multi-plateforme, solo/multi mixant FPS et aventure sur un thème de science fiction. Après avoir été commercialisée sur Macintosh par Bungie Software dans les années 1990, elle a été rendue gratuite en 2005, et son moteur libéré (2000), puis amélioré par la communauté. Pour ce 2nd opus (1995), nommé Durandal (M2, Marathon 2), Bungie avait amélioré son moteur (écran et cartes plus grands, liquides, ...). 17 ans après les évènements du 1er opus, Durandal (l'une des 3 IA du vaisseau Marathon) poursuit le combat contre l'envahisseur Pfhor. Elle sort l'officier de sécurité (le joueur) de sa stase artificielle et l'envoi sur Lh'owon - la planète des S'pht (précédemment asservis par les Pfhor), pour trouver un moyen de lutter contre les Pfhor...
Historique :
• Marathon (1994),
• Marathon 2: Durandal (1995)
• Marathon Infinity (1996).
En 2000 Bungie a libéré le moteur de Marathon et a offert les données de ces 3 jeux en 2005.
Le moteur Aleph One dérivé des moteurs de "Marathon 2" et "Marathon Infinity" permet aujourd'hui de faire fonctionner cette suite de jeux ainsi que d'autres mods développés par la communauté.
"Marathon de Bungie est un jeu de tir à la première personne marquant, sorti pour la première fois sur Macintosh en 1994, qui a introduit de nombreuses fonctionnalités et de nouveaux concepts dans le genre, notamment la visée verticale à la souris, les armes à double usage et à double fonction, les PNJ amicaux et une narration profonde et complexe. Bungie a sorti la suite, Marathon 2 : Durandal, en 1995. Il améliore les technologies du moteur, élargit considérablement la portée de la série et ajoute de nouvelles innovations au genre, notamment des sons ambiants à panoramique actif, des liquides et la natation, ainsi que des modes multijoueurs polyvalents tels que King of the Hill, Kill the Man with the Ball et le jeu coopératif. En 1996, Bungie a porté Marathon 2 sur Windows 95 et a sorti Marathon Infinity pour Macintosh, qui comprenait un nouveau scénario utilisant un moteur modifié de Marathon 2 et, peut-être encore plus important, les outils utilisés pour le construire : Forge et Enclume.
En l'an 2000, Bungie a publié le code source du moteur Marathon 2 et le projet Marathon Open Source a été lancé, ce qui a donné naissance au nouveau moteur Marathon appelé Aleph One. Enfin, en 2005, Bungie a autorisé la redistribution gratuite de l'ensemble de la trilogie Marathon et de tous les fichiers associés. Cela signifie que l'ensemble de la trilogie peut désormais être obtenu légalement et gratuitement et joué sur presque n'importe quel ordinateur." -- Eternal game.
Après avoir triomphé sur le vaisseau Marathon, vous êtes capturé par l'ordinateur malhonnête Durandal pour exécuter ses ordres dans une partie éloignée de la galaxie. Dans les ruines d'une ancienne civilisation, vous devez rechercher les restes d'un clan perdu et découvrir leurs secrets enfouis depuis longtemps. Combattez des adversaires anciens et terribles, avec des armes sophistiquées et des stratégies sournoises, tout en luttant pour échapper au cauchemar extraterrestre...
Cette version de Marathon 2 : Durandal comprend les graphismes classiques, ainsi que les textures haute définition et les monstres de l'édition Xbox Live Arcade.
🌍️ Wikipedia:
Marathon 2: Durandal, sorti le 24 novembre 1995, est la suite de Marathon. C'est le deuxième épisode de la trilogie Marathon, qui s'achèvera avec Marathon Infinity en 1996. En plus d'une version pour Macintosh, une version de Marathon 2 pour Windows 95 est sortie plus tard. Une version du jeu est sortie en 2007 pour Xbox 360, via le Xbox live de la console de Microsoft, Sortie en 2011 de la version ios du jeu gratuite sur l'Apple Store.
Après avoir capturé le vaisseau des Pfhor et libéré les S'pht qui y étaient retenus prisonniers à la fin de Marathon 1, Durandal s'était transféré à bord du vaisseau alien (qui sera renommé plus tard le Boomer), puis vous avait enlevé et congelé à bord. Il se mit alors en tête de retrouver les Pfhor qui sont en train d'exterminer les S'pht sur la planète Lh'owon. La raison est sans doute que Durandal avait besoin d'étancher sa soif grandissante de pouvoir et de puissance. Il commença dès lors à traquer sans relâche la planète Lh'owon. Il l'atteint finalement au bout de 17 ans, en 2811, Durandal vous réveille de votre sommeil artificiel et vous téléporte d'office à la surface de la planète afin que vous l'aidiez à la libérer de l'esclavage Pfhor. Vous n'avez alors d'autre choix que d'obéir et de lui faire à nouveau confiance.
Le moteur
Le moteur du premier jeu a subi une refonte totale et permettait contrairement au premier Marathon des décors en extérieurs, ainsi que la possibilité d'évoluer dans l'eau. Plusieurs jeux tels que Prime Target et Damage Incorporated ont utilisé le moteur de Marathon 2.
📕🐧"The 2nd episode of a free trilogy mixing FPS & sci-fi adventure"🐧📕
Fresh from your triumph on the starship Marathon, you are seized by the rogue computer Durandal to do his bidding in a distant part of the galaxy. Within the ruins of an ancient civilization, you must seek the remnants of a lost clan and uncover their long-buried secrets. Battle opponents ancient and terrible, with sophisticated weapons and devious strategies, all the while struggling to escape the alien nightmare...
This release of Marathon 2: Durandal includes the classic graphics, and revamped high-definition textures and monsters from the Xbox Live Arcade edition.
"Bungie's Marathon was a landmark first-person shooter first released for the Macintosh in 1994 that introduced many new features and concepts to the genre, including vertical aiming in mouselook; dual-wielded and dual-function weapons; friendly NPCs; and a deep, intricate narrative. Bungie released the sequel, Marathon 2: Durandal, in 1995. It improved on the engine technologies, greatly expanded the scope of the series, and added further innovations to the genre, including actively panning ambient sounds; liquids and swimming; and versatile multiplayer modes such as King of the Hill, Kill the Man with the Ball, and cooperative play. In 1996, Bungie ported Marathon 2 to Windows 95 and released Marathon Infinity for the Macintosh, which included a new scenario using a modified Marathon 2 engine and, perhaps even more importantly, the tools used to build it: Forge and Anvil.
In the year 2000, Bungie released the source code to the Marathon 2 engine, and the Marathon Open Source project began, resulting in the new Marathon engine called Aleph One. Finally, in 2005, Bungie authorized free redistribution of the entire Marathon trilogy and all related files. This means that the entire trilogy can now be legally obtained for free and played on nearly any computer." -- Eternal game.
🌍️ Wikipedia :
Marathon 2: Durandal is a first-person shooter video game, part of the science fiction Marathon Trilogy by Bungie. It was released on November 24, 1995. The game is mostly set on the fictional planet of Lh'owon, homeworld of the S'pht, and once again the player takes the role of a shipboard security officer from the Marathon. This is the only game in the series to be officially released for Windows and Xbox 360 XBLA in addition to the Mac. The unofficial Aleph One community enhancement, built on engine source opened by Bungie in 1999, allows the game to be played on many other platforms. The entire game including assets were released for free to the public by Bungie in 2005, now commonly bundled for distribution with Aleph One.
Marathon 2 takes place seventeen years after the events of the first game. Durandal, one of the three AIs from the colony ship UESC Marathon, sends the player and an army of ex-colonists to search the ruins of Lh'owon, the S'pht home-world. He does not mention what exactly he is looking for, although he does let slip that the Pfhor are planning to attack Earth, and that being on Lh'owon may stall their advance.
Prior events
The game picks up where the original Marathon left off. In that game the UESC Marathon is in orbit around Tau Ceti's fourth planet, where a colony is being formed. The Marathon is run by three AIs, Leela, Durandal and Tycho. Without warning, an alien ship appears and starts an attack on the colony and the Marathon. This starts with a massive electromagnetic pulse; Tycho is destroyed, while Durandal goes "rampant". This leaves Leela as the only remaining AI in control of the ship.
Leela makes contact with the player, an otherwise unnamed security officer. She informs him that she is under electronic attack by alien cyborgs, but will do what she can to organize a defense. She sends the Security Officer on a series of missions in order to gain more control over the ship, delay the invading forces, and send a message to Earth informing them of the attack. During these missions, Leela informs the officer that Durandal has made contact with the alien cyborgs, known as the S'pht, who are a race enslaved by another alien race commanding the attack, the Pfhor.
Eventually AI Leela succumbs to the S'pht attacks, and Durandal asserts full control. Durandal has persuaded the S'pht to join him and fight against the Pfhor, after directing the security officer to destroy a system on the Pfhor ship that allows their absolute control of the S'pht. With the help of the officer and the now-allied S'pht, Durandal defeats the alien army on board the Pfhor ship, and casts the Pfhor forces aboard the Marathon into disarray. He then reveals that Leela has not been destroyed, only placed in suspension. Durandal reanimates Leela to take control of the Marathon, while he transfers himself to the alien ship and goes off to explore the galaxy. Leela and the Officer complete the defeat of the Pfhor forces on the Marathon.
The story begins when the security officer is awakened from stasis and informed that he was abducted moments before Durandal departed from Tau Ceti space. Durandal has been searching for the S'pht home world, Lh'owon, ever since first contact with the Pfhor seventeen years prior. Durandal, using a combination of orbital bombardment from his Pfhor scout ship and ground assaults led by the Security Officer, quickly overwhelms the Pfhor troop garrison.
Durandal reveals that thousands of years ago, the S'pht were enslaved by the Pfhor after their failure to prevent a Pfhor invasion. Durandal also mentions that the Pfhor used what little they knew of him to resurrect Tycho, the AI that was all but destroyed during the initial attacks on the Marathon by the Pfhor. Durandal teleports the security officer to the ancient citadel of antiquity, where the S'pht made their last stand against the Pfhor in the final hours of the invasion. It is here, Durandal states, that the Security Officer will find some weapon or piece of knowledge which can be used against the Pfhor, but this must be done with haste, as the largest battle group in the Pfhor fleet is making its way to Lh'owon and Durandal's scout ship, despite his modifications and improvements, will not be able to hold it off. While the security officer makes his way far into the citadel, Battle Group Seven of the Pfhor fleet arrives and engages Durandal's ship.
The security officer is abruptly teleported to help hold back boarding parties while Durandal teleports all remaining Human and S'pht crew to a stronghold on the planet's surface. The security officer is mostly successful, but matters are complicated when Durandal tells the security officer that they are being personally targeted by Tycho. Durandal, not wanting to "end up like Leela", has the security officer destroy his core logic centers to avoid capture by the Pfhor. Once the security officer destroys Durandal, nothing is left to keep him from being teleported by the Pfhor and he is captured by Tycho.
Tycho brags of the brutal aftermath of the Tau Ceti invasion, in which all colonists and crew of the Marathon were vaporized by a Pfhor fleet shortly after Durandal left. Tycho also confirms that Durandal was the one who contacted the Pfhor and brought them to Tau Ceti seventeen years prior. Durandal does not really care about the freedom of the S'pht, or protecting humanity. Durandal had learned that the S'pht were worshipers of the Jjaro, an ancient and powerful race of beings that vanished long ago who possessed the ability to bend space. It was here, Durandal assumed, that he would learn of a way to escape the end of the universe and become God.
The game moves ahead several weeks. The security officer has been in Pfhor captivity, but a group of the remaining humans launch a surprise attack on the prison and free the security officer. The security officer is contacted by Robert Blake, the leader of the human group. Blake informs the player that Durandal was looking for an ancient S'pht AI known as Thoth and sends him to reactivate it. As the security officer does this, Blake and the remaining humans continue to lose their struggle against the Pfhor. After being transported to the final activation site, the security officer loses contact with the human remnants, but is successful in activating Thoth.
Thoth teleports the security officer to the ex-colonists' redoubt and subsequently aids the security officer in clearing a Pfhor ship to allow the remaining humans to return to Earth. With this done, Thoth and the security officer activate an ancient communication array that contacts the S'pht'Kr, a clan of S'pht that left Lh'owon shortly before the arrival of the Pfhor. Over thousands of years, the S'pht'Kr had developed in isolation to an unprecedented level of technology. Enraged by the Pfhor enslavement of the S'pht, the S'pht'Kr obliterate Battle Group Seven.
Durandal then makes a sudden reappearance and celebrates his recent destruction of Tycho. Durandal faked his death for the benefit of the balance-obsessed Thoth, who would not have contacted the S'pht'Kr had the humans not appeared so desperate. Durandal, the security officer, and the S'pht'Kr quickly destroy all remaining Pfhor presence on Lh'owon. Humiliated by defeat, the Pfhor launch the Trih Xeem—a Jjaro "early nova" device—at Lh'owon's sun. Durandal informs the player that an impending invasion of Earth has been halted permanently, and the now-free S'pht have gathered all they can from Lh'owon and have left the doomed system. Durandal then briefly contemplates the origin of an ancient S'pht legend that describes terrible beings in Lh'owon's sun who were trapped by the Jjaro eons ago, foreshadowing the events in Blood Tides of Lh'owon (Marathon Infinity's single player scenario).
The epilogue describes several events long after: Robert Blake and his fellow humans are the only ones to survive the Tau Ceti incident, the Pfhor are defeated and their homeworld is subsequently sacked by Humanity and the S'pht'Kr, and Durandal is not seen by humanity for ten thousand years, until he returns in a Jjaro dreadnought, communicating only briefly, "to assure that Earth did not forget him".
Multiplayer modes
While the original Marathon featured multiplayer, Marathon 2 greatly expanded multiplayer functionality by adding several game modes alongside the old deathmatch mode. As in Marathon, multiplayer can be played with eight players over a (true or tunneled) LAN protocol. Marathon 2 features six distinctive multiplayer game scenarios:
• Every Man for Himself: The player or team with the highest score wins. Killing other players increases score by one point, whereas dying by any means decreases score by one point.
• Kill the Man with the Ball: The player who holds onto the ball (which is a skull) for the longest amount of time wins. There is only one ball, and the player with the ball cannot run or use weapons. The player can voluntarily drop the ball using the fire key and involuntarily drops the ball when killed. The motion sensor displays an orange indicator indicating the location of the ball. "Kill The Man With The Ball" was the inspiration for the Halo multiplayer mode "Oddball".
• King of the Hill: The player who stands on the "hill" for the longest amount of time wins. The orange pointer on the motion sensor points players towards the hill.
• Tag: The player who is "it" for the least amount of time wins. The first person to die is "it". If a player who is "it" kills another player, that player becomes "it". The orange indicator points to whoever is "it".
• Team Play: A team version of "Every Man for Himself". Player can see their teammates' points of view by pressing the delete key.
• Cooperative: Players advance through the single-player scenario, cooperating as a team. Save functionality is disabled.
In the game type menu, "Keep away from Rob" and "Pile on Greg" would appear, but were grayed out and unusable.
While Marathon 2 retains many of the core elements of gameplay of its predecessor, Marathon 2 has a very different feel, primarily because it uses an expanded engine and the setting of the game is different. The game's interface has been changed, with the view of the player being much wider than in Marathon (which was smaller as to improve game performance) and now taking up the lion's share of the screen, displaying the player's health and oxygen bars horizontally at the bottom of the screen rather than on the left vertically above the motion sensor. Virtually all of the graphics and sounds have been replaced; instead of background music for audio accompaniment of gameplay, Marathon 2 employs ambient sounds such as wind or alarms. Unlike its prequel which takes place on the UESC Marathon ship, Marathon 2 takes place primarily in outdoor environments. Levels tend to be larger, open, brighter, faster paced and far more dynamic than those of Marathon.
Marathon 2 adds one new weapon, the shotgun. Like the pistol, a player who finds two shotguns can wield both simultaneously. Some of the dynamics of existing weapons have been changed, such as that of the pistol which now carries eight bullets per magazine instead of seven, the total redesign of the Enforcer's alien weapon from a machinegun to a flamethrower, and allowing the player to use both fists. Some creatures have been added and others dropped, and the dynamics of some of the retained creatures have been changed. For instance, the civilians, completely defenseless in Marathon, now carry pistols they can use to defend themselves (and with which they will shoot the player if attacked). Items can teleport into a level, as can creatures, some of whom can also teleport out. Although the player still primarily replenishes health and oxygen at wall stations, Marathon 2 features health and oxygen canisters the player can pick up.
One of the most distinctive additions to the engine is liquid media which the player can enter and swim. There are four types of media: water, sewage, lava and goo, the latter two being harmful to the player's health when entered. While submerged, the player can move around, use the run key to swim upward and out, punch, or fire the fusion pistol (although the pistol will backfire and harm the player). The player moves slower while under media than on the surface, and loses oxygen, and while under lava or Pfhor goo, also loses health. Each pool of liquid media has its own dynamics such as flow direction, speed, viscosity and high/low tide, and in some cases the player can modify a media's tide level. Although there is no limit to the amount of media on a level, and each pool of media can have unique dynamics, no level can feature more than one kind of liquid media.
As is the case in Marathon, Marathon 2 uses computer terminals to advance the plot and allow the player to communicate with various artificial intelligences. The player communicates with Durandal and Tycho, both of whom were artificial intelligences aboard the UESC Marathon in the original game (Leela is almost entirely absent from Marathon 2). Because of the translation equipment installed in the player's character's suit, the player can also access S'pht and Pfhor terminals, which function in the same manner as standard terminals. Terminals in Marathon 2 can change level dynamics by means such as opening or closing doors or altering the tide of liquids, and are capable of teleporting the player not only out of a level but to other locations throughout. The mission of some levels is to access and read certain terminals. Unlike Marathon, Marathon 2 does not pause the game when a player accesses a terminal, leaving the player character open to attack while reading, in which case the character immediately stops reading.
⚙️ Installation à partir du binaire du jeu :
Installation à partir du paquet Manjaro/Arch :
💡 Nota: un paquet AUR/Manjaro est disponible en dépôt. Il fournit un lanceur (raccourci pour les menus de votre distribution), un script et les données du jeu. Le script lance le moteur Alephone
• (✘ alephone-marathon2 v.20220115 & alephone 1.5.0 +boost-libs v.1.79) Il est dans les dépôts Manjaro/Arch (souvent dans sa dernière version), il suffit d'installer le(s) paquet(s).
Installation à partir du paquet Manjaro/Arch : (installation alternative, à partir du moteur Aleph One + les données du jeu)
• (alephone v.1.5.0 + boost-libs ✔ v.1.78 / ✘ v.1.79) Il est dans les dépôts Manjaro/Arch (souvent dans sa dernière version), il suffit d'installer le(s) paquet(s).
📄️ Installation à partir du source du jeu: (installation alternative, à partir du moteur Aleph One + les données du jeu)
• (✘ alephone v.1.5.0) Si vous souhaitez quelque-chose de très récent (versions de développement) et/ou qu'il n'y a pas de binaire disponible pour votre distribution/architecture (32/64-bits), la compilation du source est une bonne idée, voir un passage obligé.
▸ Installation des dépendances (en dépôt) :
• Installez les bibliothèques SDL (voir la fiche "006 - Glossaire & licences courantes" du Bottin).
• Installez au préalable les paquets suivants : boost sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_net sdl2_ttf speexdsp zziplib ffmpeg libpng curl
(pour Debian/Ubuntu, installez les paquets éponymes, généralement précédés du préfixe “lib” et suivis du suffixe "-dev" s'ils sont disponibles, avec en plus les paquets spécifiques suivants : libboost-all-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-net-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libspeexdsp-dev libzzip-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libpng-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev)
▸ Téléchargement du source (sur GitHub):
• Si vous souhaitez une version publiée / stable :
$ curl -o AlephOne-stable.tar.bz2 -L https://alephone.lhowon.org/download/source.php
tar xjvf AlephOne-stable.tar.bz2
• (méthode alternative pour le téléchargement) Si vous souhaitez une version publiée / stable :
- En HTTP : sur la page de développement du site (lien "Dev site" ci-dessus) vous cliquez sur "Clone"
- Ou en console, dans le répertoire de votre choix, lancez :
$ git clone -b "Nom_de_la_release" --recursive https://github.com/Aleph-One-Marathon/alephone
Nom_de_la_release : à remplacer par le nom d'une release valide indiquée sur la page de développement (sur GitHub, dans la section Release, le nom valide est l'étiquette située à gauche du titre, ou cliquez sur "Tags" pour obtenir la liste des étiquettes valides).
• Si vous souhaitez obtenir la version la plus récente (de développement, non stable, potentiellement non fonctionnelle), dans le répertoire de votre choix, lancez :
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/Aleph-One-Marathon/alephone
▸ Compilation du jeu :
• Dans son répertoire racine lancez successivement :
$ ./configure
$ make
(ou, pour accélérer la compilation, "$ make -j8" si vous disposez d'un processeur 8 threads, à adapter pour vous)
↪ vous obtenez le(s) binaire(s): alephone
🏕️ Installation du contenu / des données :
• Données : Ce moteur requiert l'installation de données non livrées avec le moteur du fait d'une licence incompatible ou tout simplement pour lui permettre d'utiliser différents sets de données.
▸ Téléchargement des données :
• Elles sont disponibles gratuitement sur le site du moteur. Décompressez le livrable du jeu (scénario) dans le répertoire de votre choix.
▸ Assemblage du moteur et des données :
• Copiez dans le répertoire du jeu, le(s) fichier(s) issu(s) de la compilation précédente (le binaire alephone).
(pour le jeu "Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge", le répertoire des données du jeu est : share/emr/)
• Si vous l'avez installé à partir d'un paquet, ou l'avez compilé puis installé dans les répertoires système : Alt F2 puis saisissez : alephone-marathon2
• Si vous l'avez installé (le moteur Aleph One) à partir d'un paquet, ou l'avez compilé puis installé dans les répertoires système, dans le répertoire du scénario, lancez : $ alephone .
(n'oubliez pas le ".")
(testé avec succès avec le jeu "Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge", on lance le moteur dans le répertoire de ses données, dans : share/emr/)
• Si vous avez compilé le moteur, en console dans le répertoire du jeu (où vous aviez au préalable copié le moteur alephone, voir ci-avant), lancez (après l'avoir rendu exécutable d'un clic droit sur le fichier): $ ./alephone
🕵️ Test (✘ compilation du source v. 1.5) par goupildb (config. : Manjaro 64-bit) :
Le : 10 Juillet 2022
⏱️ Durée du test : 2 minutes.
🎯️ Objectif de ce test: tester son fonctionnement.
La compilation plante sur :
SDL_ffmpeg.c:2218:67: erreur: utilisation invalide du type non défini « struct AVCodecContext »
2218 | file->videoStream->_ctx->width,
🕵️ Test (alephone-marathon2 v.20220115 & alephone 1.5.0 du dépôt Arch/Manjaro v. 1.5.0 + boost-libs ✘ v.1.79) par goupildb (config. : Manjaro 64-bit) :
Le : 10 Juillet 2022
⏱️ Durée du test : 2 minutes.
🎯️ Objectif de ce test: tester son fonctionnement.
💻️ PC Specs:
Linux distribution: Manjaro
Kernel : 5.18.7-1-MANJARO
Graphics driver : NVIDIA 515.57 (proprietary version, via Manjaro)
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 2700X (3,7GHz, 8 cores)
RAM : 32Go DDR4 (2x16GB)
Graphics card : GeForce RTX 2070
Hard disk: 1TB NVMe Force MP510 + 2x1TB Samsung SpinPoint F1 HD103UJ & WD Green WD10EACS
Monitors : 2 x ASUS ROG Swift PG348Q (3440x1440)
Keyboard : Roccat Vulcan (RVB)
Mouse : G-Lab Kult-Iridium (RVB)
Gamepad : Microsoft Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2
👎️ 🐞️ Bug: A noter que lors de mes premiers tests la bibliothèque boost-libs des dépôts était la 1.78 et alephone fonctionnait bien. Puis une mise à jour de boost-libs vers la version 1.79 est venue casser le fonctionnement de alephone (la v.1.5 nécessite libboost_filesystem.so.1.78.0 fourni par boost-libs v.1.78, et un lien dynamique ne permet pas de résoudre le problème). Sous ma distribution Manjaro il manque une dépendance alephone avec boost-libs v.xx.
Je ne parviens pas non plus à compiler alephone qui plante sur des messages du type "SDL_ffmpeg.c:763:86: erreur: utilisation invalide du type non défini « struct AVCodecContext »".
👎️ 🕹️ Conclusion :
J'avais déjà testé avec succès ce jeu de très grande qualité.
Néanmoins pour l'instant (en Juillet 2022), impossible d'y jouer sur ma distribution Manjaro.
Je ne doute pas qu'il finira par être à nouveau jouable. Il va falloir attendre qu'un développeur se penche sur ces bugs.